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To Lions of 23A,

If you have the event on your own website, you can just email the link. Or Email your flyer, brochure, or info in either PDF or Word (MS Office) format.

Please include:

  1. Date of event *
  2. Name or Description of Event *
  3. Sponsor must be a Lions Club, District, or LCI *
  4. Include a contact *: email and/or phone and/or mailing address
  5. Time of Event
  6. Location of Event
  7. Cost

*minimum first four items

Newer PDF documents are searchable [ CTRL+F ]. You can copy from them and paste into other documents. [Highlight then CTRL+C ] Web and email addresses can be active links. If your PDF does not do the above send a Word document or plain text. We can work with JPG, but be aware it will not have the properties of PDF above.

Send to: webmaster@lions23a.org

Yours in Service with and for Lions

D23A Staff